I know I shouldn’t brag, but if you were in my position, I am pretty sure you would too.
I don’t know if anyone other than me can claim to have the
cleanest furnace ducts in Canada, but I do.
For years, duct cleaning companies – there must be hundreds of them – have been calling me a couple times a month, asking if they could come to my house and clean my ducts. I started off getting into little arguments with the callers but finally gave up and moved to a new strategy.
“Hi, I’m Simon and my company can give you a fantastic deal on cleaning your ducts.”
“Sorry, Simon, but we just had them done.”
At first, I used to say we had them cleaned last week, but that seemed like too much of a coincidence and caused my salesmen to question my ability to tell the truth. So, I started using “a few weeks ago” and now have settled on one month.
The words “a month ago” trigger a lot of “clicks” on the other end of the line, no goodbyes offered, which leads me to believe that some duct cleaners can be a little rude and maybe should clean up their acts if not their ducts. But I did get a polite fellow last week who seemed sincere in his hope that my ducts were properly cleaned at a good price.
So, in the past few years, I have had my ducts cleaned a month ago dozens of times.
And I am here to testify, that it is very important to keep your furnace ducts sparkling clean. In fact, I may need to have them done again soon so am hoping for another phone call in the not too distant future.
I hope that polite guy calls back.
©2020 Jim Hagarty