Why I Love to Hit the Bars

I’m always a little embarrassed at the dollar store checkout when I set down my half dozen chocolate bars on the counter. I make my standard joke about my doctor having diagnosed me with a severe chocolate deficiency, worst case he’s ever seen. The kid thinks I’m serious and doesn’t laugh.

But my days of feeling guilty about my addiction are over. In fact, in light of new information, I will now feel guilty if I don’t indulge in the yummy stuff.

A new study says eating two chocolate bars a day can lower heart disease and stroke risk. These findings came from a 12-year study of 25,000 men and women in Norfolk, England, the happiest town on Earth. Also, 300 dentists have practices there.

Last year, an American study found chocolate can fight obesity and weight gain. And the brains of chocolate eaters are healthier.

But best of all, scientists at the University of Calgary found that chocolate improves the memories of snails. This is great because eating chocolate will help my pets Pokey, Speedy and Stop Sign, remember to put away their snail toys at night. Unless they’ve just been pretending to forget all this time. Snails can be sneaky like that. I just hope they didn’t fool the researchers.

©2015 Jim Hagarty

Author: Jim Hagarty

I am a 72-year-old retired journalist, busy recovering from a lifelong career as an unretired journalist. This year marks a half century of my scratching out little fables about life. My interests include genealogy, humour and music. I live in a little blue shack in Canada and spend most of my time trying to stay out of trouble. I am not that good at it. I also spent years teaching journalism. Poor state of journalism today: My fault. I have a family I don't deserve, a dog that adores me, and two cars the junk yard refuses to accept. My prized possessions include my old guitar and a razor my Dad gave me when I was 14 and which I still use when I bother to shave. Oh, and my great-great-grandfather's blackthorn stick he brought from Ireland in the 1850s. I have only one opinion but it is a good one: People take too many showers.