We were in tune from the start and it was as close to instant love as can be had in this world. We went everywhere together and the relationship always made me smile and feel light in my heart – and on my feet. Wherever we were, whatever the time, I always wanted to move, to shake, to dance, so full of joy was I. Time and distance meant nothing. Middle of the night, middle of the day, there was always a buzz, a pulse, a beat that is hard to define.
But that is all in the past now. Familiarity, I am afraid to say, has bred contempt. Where there had once been a never-ending stream of wonderful surprise, now there is only sameness, predictability, and boredom. Small mannerisms – the voice, the laugh, the chuckle – have turned from endearing to irritating. There is a shallowness that was there all along that I had never really seen, but once I caught a glimpse of it, I now cannot unsee it. There is little to nothing left for me here. It is time to move on.
I need a new radio station.
©2012 Jim Hagarty