By Jim Hagarty
Does this ever happen to you?
A close family member – wife, son, daughter – leaves the house, gets in the car and drives off. You said goodbye, have a good day, see you later.
A few minutes go by, and then arises the greatest racket from fire trucks, ambulances and police cruisers. Heading down the main street at lightning speed. You can see them out your kitchen window. They’re heading in the same direction your loved one just did.
And you think, “Oh my God. What if they were in an accident?”
There is an intersection not far from your home where, for some reason, there are a lot of fender benders at least and sometimes more serious crack ups.
Then your mind goes to all the horrible follow-up imaginings.
Will a police officer be knocking on my door in the next little while?
Instead, comes a text:
“Anything you want at the store?”
“Can I bring you a coffee?”
“I’m going to stay over at my friend’s tonight, Dad.”
You go sit in the recliner and hug the dog.