By Jim Hagarty
There is a man I know who annoys me. My issue, not his, and I can’t say exactly why he bugs me except that in my few encounters with him I found him to be somewhat pushy. I saw him from a distance on Tuesday and my blood simmered. He’s a prominent figure in our community and he enjoys his status, even promotes it. Maybe that’s what bugs me.
Stupid to have this reaction still after all these years but it’s practically part of my nature now.
Wednesday, I was in a waiting room and before me, on a coffee table, lie a few dozen magazines. In fact, there were 52 of them. The reason I know that number specifically is I counted them after this happened: I looked them all over and saw one peeking out from beneath another so I grabbed it. Guess whose mug shot was large and smiling out at me from the glossy cover?
I could have picked any one of 51 other magazines, but that is the card I drew from the deck. The joker, of course.
Settle down blood, settle down.