By Jim Hagarty
I wish I could remember the days when I had a memory.
People tell me, it is a handy thing to have. And I believe them.
I was building a skating rink in the backyard and needed a new water wand. So I went to the hardware store and bought a nice one for $20. The first night I used it, I left it outside and it froze to death. Hooked to the hose, it blew water in 25 directions at once, like fireworks.
So, back to the hardware store where I bought the same water wand. Another $20.
Come spring, the rink was long gone. One day I was cleaning up the garage, and there I found the broken water wand. So I put it out with the garbage.
Unfortunately, I had already discarded the broken one shortly after its demise, apparently.
So, I threw out the good one too, thinking it was the dud, that I had already junked.
And now it’s skating rink time again. I just got back from the hardware store with my third water wand. But the hardware store owner saw me coming, I guess, cause he put the price up to $27.
Yes, it’s true. My mind tends to WANDer.