By Jim Hagarty
I have done the occasional stupid thing in my life. Dating two sisters in university and somehow thinking they wouldn’t compare notes and discover I took Anne out on Friday night and Jane on Saturday comes to mind. To make matters worse, they were both in some of my classes. That was a long semester after the inevitable discovery happened.
To this day, I take the long way around their hometown Thessalon when I am up in northern Canada, just to be safe.
But I will forever take comfort in knowing that so far, I have nothing to match the goofy decision a Brtish Columbia man made when he stole an unmarked police cruiser. Dumb, dumb, dumb. But do you know what was even dumber? There were two cops in the police car he stole.
So I will continue to stumble along, screw up now and then, but I will always check from now on, when stealing my next cruiser, that I ascertain the identities of the people seated inside before I drive away. If they happen to be sisters, I will hit the eject button.