By Jim Hagarty
I do a lot of joking, I know, but at heart I am deeply concerned about the direction society is heading. Too many rules and regulations, too little freedom. And I worry about the next generation and the world we are leaving them.
For example, somehow it has become wrong for the manager of a fast food restaurant in Kermit, West Virginia, to pee into the sink in the restaurant kitchen. What? In my day, peeing in the sink is just something you did, especially the guys. I can’t vouch for the women. And it was just a several-times-a-day habit for restaurant managers back then. I don’t know if I ever saw a restaurant manager come out of an actual washroom. They are busy people; no time for the fancy manners some people insist on.
These high-brow sorts who object to sink peeing would have others believe it is wrong and that they would never do it. But have they ever tried it? Well, have they?
So now the poor manager, for a long time to come, will be known as the dreaded sink urinator from Kermit. Eventually people will forget his unfortunate transgression but he certainly will forever be known as someone who lived in a town named after a frog puppet.