By Jim Hagarty
My cat and I have waged a 10-year battle over a very basic issue. We have wildly divergent ideas regarding what it means to have food in his dish. To sum up the disagreement, from his viewpoint, there is never any food in his dish. I am of the opinion, weak though it may be, that the presence of food in his dish means there is food in his dish. This notion, apparently, is open to debate.
He seeks me out, wherever I might be located on our property and drags me downstairs with much yeowling and discontent (that’s me) to demonstrate to me that there is no food in his dish. I politely point out to him that there is food in his dish. He looks for said food and asks, “Where is this food you speak of?”
Having come, once again, to this impasse, I promptly top up his dish with more food. Maybe he learned this from my frequent announcements that we are out of potato chips. Someone will then show me there are four part bags in the cupboard. Who are they trying to kid? We are out of chips!