By Jim Hagarty
So a young man comes to my door just now. Mumbles a bunch of stuff about water and savings and such and then asks me to go get my last water bill. I tell him no. Within about two minutes of meeting me, he starts to push past me to go downstairs to check my water system. I stop him.
“You want me to take my shoes off?” he asks, as he starts to kick them off.
“What are you selling?” I ask.
Nothing, he laughs, as if I’m a stupid old man.
So I grabbed the dog and went out on the porch with him and asked him to sit down.
“Oh, so we’re sitting down now,” he chuckles.
“Yes we are,” I reply.
So he tells me all about the amazing filters his company offers. Boy they sound good. All for the cost of a dollar a day. Feels strange to be talking money with someone who isn’t selling anything.
But here’s the good news. The installation fee is $600 but he has a guy in the neighbourhood right now so that fee is going to be waived.
Give me your business card and website, I tell him.
“I don’t have a business card, but if you have a piece of paper you can write down the name of the company.” So, I entered the name in my phone. And he left, less friendly than he arrived.
I will check out his company. First I will Google to see if it’s legit. Maybe it is.
But if I need filters, I will go to my local store where I know the owner and get his opinion. He has never tried to push his way into my home.