By Jim Hagarty
The first thing I am going to do when I get to be 86 is sue my daughter for $520 million. That is what Canadian mega-entrepreneur Frank Stronach has done to his daughter Belinda and I think it’s a heck of an idea. Frank says his darling Belinda has mishandled their company called Magna International since she took over and he wants to see things put right and $520 million deposited into his bank account. All those times he tucked her in at night when she was a toddler, did he whisper to himself, “Some day, Belinda, you are going to pay!”
I have 19 more years to go before I turn 86 and that also gives my daughter almost two decades to save up $520 million for when I come a’callin’ for my money. I think that is fair notice. If she sets aside $27 million a year, and with the interest added on, she will have more than enough to settle my claim. Then, as these things go, I will promptly die the next day and give it all back to her in my will. Without my lawsuit threat hanging over her head for 19 years, I am more than certain she would fritter away that $520 million and wonder where it had all gone. Best savings program ever.
Dads have to look out for their daughters.