Having Finally Seen the Light

By Jim Hagarty

I have long known that I am somewhat different from your average human being and nothing illustrates that terminal uniqueness more than my opposition to motion-sensor lights.

You know, those little seeing-eye devices that peer down from the upper corners of large rooms and sensing no motion, turn off the lights to save electricity. Who else but the cranky old storyteller hereby addressing you would be bothered to spend enough time thinking about this modern-day invention to become upset about it?

But I am.

Darned mad, in fact.

My disenchantment with this modern wonder stems not from the fact that it doesn’t work, but that it works too well. It can crack the lights off in a instant and whack ’em back on even quicker. Where it runs into a little trouble, however, is in the way it defines motion. Maybe it’s a matter of how its individual users program it for the specific room it’s in, but some of these gizmos seem as if they would hardly respond if a tornado ripped the ceiling off while others would spring into action if a fly hiding under a desk scratched its nose.

So, this is the basis of my disapproval. The thing is simply unreliable and as a man gets older, unreliability and unpredictability are twin evils to be deplored.

Perhaps my disenchantment has its origins in the time I was teaching a summer college course at 8:30 a.m. one fine Monday morning. Though the ranks in the rows before me were somewhat depleted, given the time of day, the season and the subject, there were, even at that, almost 20 hardy souls gathered there to hear the words of wisdom that dribbled from my mouth in those days like spring waters over the rocks in a stream.

So, when my truly dedicated crew had taken their seats, I started dribbling. And as the gentle rhythms of the babbling brook can have a certain soothing effect on those who listen to its cadence for a while, so too can a college instructor’s gentle voice calm the human spirit, especially the spirits of humans who have spent the weekend just past in wild celebration the likes of which have not been seen since the end of our most recent world war.

In what seemed like an alarmingly brief period, all normal student activity – note passing, arm stretching, paper rustling, cartoon doodling – had ground to a halt. And there, before this sea of tranquility, stood a weary teacher who was finding it difficult on this day to become animated by a section of course material on which he had lectured dozens of times before. Like a recording star grown tired of singing his same old hits, the teacher was suddenly weary of hearing himself yak on.

So, how best to describe the degree of inactivity in this classroom setting on this day? Perhaps the motion sensor said it best. In a room where 21 human beings were engaged in the stimulating process of acquiring and delivering a college education, the lights went out. So little movement was being generated by the gathering, not even by a lecturer in mid-flight, to interest a little black box up in a corner of the room. So, it pulled the plug, the modern-day equivalent, in this case, perhaps, of giving the hook to the Vaudevillian actor dying on stage.

To re-activate the scene, I had no choice but to get something going, so I waved my arms frantically in the air till illumination returned. As distressing as the embarrassment of suffering through a negative review by a motion sensor was the fact that at least half the students hadn’t seemed to notice that their classroom had suddenly plunged into darkness. And many of them appeared, as a result, to have only slipped into a deeper level of sleep during the light-less interlude. A change in their rapid-eye movement dream-cycle resulted, perhaps, from the onset of darkness.

For the remainder of that session and the semester, I dashed about during lectures in that classroom like a hands-on preacher in a gospel tent, my students seemingly startled at the surge of energy with which I was from then on approaching my lessons.

They didn’t seem to grasp the fact that a little high-tech hardware had delivered a lesson of its own that dark day in July.

And that whatever might have been my previous level of disinterest in my teaching duties, thanks to science I had finally seen the light.

Luke the Driftwood

Koda with stick

By Jim Hagarty
Renowned Terrible Limericker

I once had a dog named Luke
Who couldn’t control his puke.
He threw up on my shoes
But here’s the good news.
Turned out it was only a fluke.

Alone Again, Naturally

Dog on dock

By Jim Hagarty

I am a hermit.

Sounds awful, right?

I blame it on the 10-hour days on the back of a tractor, rooting up the earth on our farm. I was all by myself and I got to like my own company that way. I didn’t have much choice. No fun riding around on a tractor for 10 hours with a guy you can’t stand.

One day there were no more farms or tractors but it was too late. I have gone through the last 45 years as though I was still sitting in that leather seat, hands on the steering wheel, blue skies, seagulls and trees stretching out before me. And not a human in sight.

Some day, I might slide from hermit to recluse but that’s a bit off yet. Still, were I a member of a Trappist Monestery, where they don’t talk to each other from one day to another, I am sure the other monks would get around to saying, when they were allowed a word or two: “What’s wrong with Brother Jim? He’s a weird one.”

I would be a terrible monk.

My best friend is also a hermit. I am not sure what his excuse is. He was raised in town. But we share a happy hermitry together. To be honest, I am not sure how one hermit finds another hermit, but it happened.

We don’t see each other very often, as you would expect from two hermits. But when we get together, our coffee sessions last, on average, five hours. Both of us spill out all the words we would have used if we were normal and not hermits. It’s exhausting but once emptied out, we can each go back to happy hermiting in our separate hideouts. Those hideouts are sacrosanct; we never visit each other.

I can’t really tell you what it is about being a hermit that appeals to me. Maybe it has something to do with the almost total absence of other human beings. Humans are fine and all but they get on my nerves a lot less when I can’t see them. Because most of them spend their time with me, talking about other humans.

Someday before I die, probably alone somewhere, I will likely throw a big party, invite everyone I have managed to meet over the years in spite of my hermitry. Then I will forget to send myself an invitation and fail to show up.

It told you it’s awful.

Like She Knows She Never Will

Stephanie CD cover

By Jim Hagarty

Above is a song from a great CD called Restless by my friend and fellow musician Stephanie Martin. Called Like She Know She Never Will is one of 12 songs written for the album by the very talented singer who owns a music shop in a small town in Ontario. Restless is available for purchase in my Corner Store.

Cone Class in Session

By Jim Hagarty

The first time our little poodle Toby was given a doggie cone at the drive-in eatery, he lapped up the soft ice cream in seconds.

I had to pull it away from him from time to time for fear he would get brain freeze. (When I get brain freeze, it’s more like a brain glacier given the size of the material we’re working with here.)

Finally, he licked the cone bare. Then he stopped. He wouldn’t touch the cone. Almost as though he was afraid of it.

So I took my cone and started eating the biscuit part, making sure he could see me doing it. He watched me very carefully. Then he lit into his cone and polished it off.

That was the last time he had to be taught that trick.

Birth Of A Salesman

By Jim Hagarty

I had just stepped up to the automatic banking machine at a grocery store on a frazzled Friday afternoon when I noticed – couldn’t help but notice – the sorrowful young face of a boy who could have stepped out of a Dickens’ novel, plaintively holding a box of chocolate-covered almonds up to me and asking me, in these words, I thought,

“Please, suh!”

“Waddatheyfor?” I barked at him, annoyed at having been, once again, ambushed. Why do business places allow these youthful pedlars to lurk around their doorways, hassling innocent customers?

“My bowling team, suh,” the boy replied. “So we can have an awards party.”

Now I was doubly offended. My hard-earned money was to be used, not to solve hunger, fix the environment, or end family violence, but to provide a bunch of kids with a bowling banquet. The problem was instantly clear to me: if the bowlers and their families could not afford an awards night, they shouldn’t have one. And yet, they thought they should and they believed that someone else should pay for it.

“How much?” I snapped at the boy.

“Three dollars,” he replied. Behind him, a nervous-looking man, probably his dad, was shuffling from one foot to another, trying to ignore the rough reception his boy was getting.

Three dollars seemed like a lot of money to spend for a couple dozen chocolate bits just to ensure a successful bowling banquet, but guilt is often a more powerful motivator than anger and out came my three dollars. As I continued my automatic banking, now punching at the keys with more intensity than usual, I could hear the adult supervisor of the chocolate-almonds heist urging an obviously reluctant boy to confront all new customers about the plight of the youthful bowlers.

“Go on!” the man would urge. “Get up there and ask that guy. Go!”

Between feeling sorry for the boy and angry at the dad and upset at myself for having said yes when I wanted to say no, I was quite a mess when I left the store. As I did, the boy approached me again, having failed to recognize me, and I decided to add guilt to my sackcloth of emotions by sniping at him, “Forget it. You already got me!”

Why am I talking like this to a 10-year-old boy I don’t even know, I wondered, as I headed to my car. Still, righteous indignation isn’t worth much if you can’t make the most of the adrenaline high it serves up by grousing about the unfairness of it all for a hot half hour or so. There was enough injustice there to fuel a whole evening of discontent. Store letting solicitors roam free. Dad coercing son to sell to strangers. Bowlers demanding money for banquets. Chocolate companies making money off kids.

The next day, my four-year-old son and his mom arrived home from his hockey practice.

“Whatcha got there?” I asked my boy, as he bounded in the front door.

“A box of chocolate bars for my hockey team,” he replied. “Can we go to the neighbours to try to sell them, Daddy?”

Fate has a nasty sense of humour. I thought about that as I made up a sign, “For my son’s hockey team. Two dollars. Thanks,” and put it beside a stack of chocolate bars in a window sill at work. Though I haven’t yet summoned up the courage to go door to door, I can see it’s coming, if only because my son is so insistent.

I have acquired a newfound admiration for the boy by the banking machine, if not for his dad. How hard it is to go up to people, chocolate item in hand, and to ask them for their money. My guess is, he has done better with his almonds than I have with my bars.

So far, I have sold two, and bought four.

But my son is so keen, maybe we could go stand by the banking machine. And I could get him to go up to strangers.

Or maybe I’ll be eating chocolate till hockey season’s over.

It does go good with crow.

Frank’s Close Call

Frankster the Prankster
Frankster the Prankster

By Jim Hagarty
Renowned Terrible Limericker

We once had a cat named Frank
Who jumped in our pool and sank.
On his bed in the house
We performed mouse to mouse.
He revived, it was only a prank.

Would There Be Anything Else?

By Jim Hagarty

I am in line at the drivethrough at McDonald’s, $1.05 burning a hole in my pocket, my lips anxious to wrap themselves around a good, hot coffee.

There is one car ahead of me at the order speaker. He sits there a long time. He is either reading the poor server his Last Rites, or reciting a chapter by heart from Gone With the Wind. He finally moves on.

I pull up to the order kiosk. I see the total for the long-winded customer who preceded me:


How in Ronald McDonald’s name can someone find $39.93 worth of food to buy at McDonald’s in one drive through? He seemed to be the only one in the car. Either he had given up on Weight Watchers or he was the designated hunter-gatherer bringing back supper for his village.

Lips got busy but it wasn’t coffee they were tasting. They were involved in conveying the significant disappointment on the part of their owner at having to wait an eternity for eight ounces of hot brown water.

Of course, the expletives expedited matters more than it seemed possible they might, and the food wagon finally moved on.

Back to the village he went, I assume.

The elders would be pleased at the day’s catch, no doubt.

My Internet Car

By Jim Hagarty

I have bought and sold things over the Internet these past few years, chiefly through the site called kijiji.

Small things usually. Printers. Scanners. Concert tickets. Hamster cages. Snow tires.

Then I took a big leap and bought a used smartphone. So far so good.

But I heard about a guy who sold his car on kijiji and I was awestruck.

“Who would buy a car on kijiji?” I remarked.

So I went and bought one on kijiji.

A great car. It was eight years old and had only 7,461 kilometres on it, or, for you Americans who might be reading, that is 12.6 miles.

I couldn’t believe my luck.

And it cost only $6,000 Canadian ($150 US).

The car was nearly flawless. Its previous owner was an old lady (really) who drove it to the grocery store and the hairdresser. She babied it, but found the best way to stop the vehicle was to run into something. So, there were a few bruises.

A couple of other problems. The speedometer started, not at zero, which would have been nice, but at 110 kilometres per hour. So I pasted a chart on the glass showing drivers how fast or slow they are going. To go the legal limit on most highways, you have to get it up to 190. To go 50, you have to go 160, etc. It is a good system.

The temperature gauge also didn’t work right. I told all the drivers in the house that if the needle hits C (for cold), the engine is overheating. Everyone is on board.

I have spent the past two years bragging about the 7,461 kilometres on the odometer. People have been amazed. And only $6,000, they say, smiling with admiration. It feels good to be known as a literal wheeler dealer.

But there is a spoilsport in every crowd. There really is. Some guy who studied logic in university. Who studies logic? At a recent gathering, I was holding forth about our Internet auto and, of course, detailing the incredible fact of the 7,461.

But I also described the car’s few hiccups, such as the gauge issues.

Up stepped a cousin with this crazy theory: If some of the gauges are wonky, what made me think the odometer reading was exact when I bought the car.

I hate that guy.

I really do.

I am going to buy a bag of dog crap on kijiji and make a mess of his front door.

Then I will take off in my car at 190 and get the hell out of there.

What My Father Taught Me

Michael Earnie Taylor

By Jim Hagarty

I love this song by my friend and Canadian singing/songwriting treasure Michael “Earnie” Taylor. It is from his album Folk ‘n’ Western which is in my Corner Store, right next to the leather belts and gossip magazines. No littering please.